Monday, June 16, 2008

Check Out What's Going on at Massively!

Massively has a fantastic section on Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning. If you haven't already checked them out, you should head over and take a look:

Massively: Warhammer Online

In particular you should check out these posts:

Massively Goes to War: Wrap-up

This article sums up their WAR week, where they discuss many prevalent topics including: Tome of Knowledge, Crafting, Public Quests, Capital Cities, and my personal favorite, Every Class Explained! This is just a small selection of the articles. If you read just one (massively huge) article about Warhammer this week, this is a great place to start.

50 Warhammer Online Tidbits from Games Day 2008

A few little tidbits of knowledge from the Baltimore Games Day 2008. A lot of oddball stuff in here, so read close! This article also contains links to a short (6 minute) preview of the Q&A by Jeff and Josh!

Warhammer Online's Realm Imbalance Fears

And lastly, check out this article if you want to hear more discussion about the dreaded consequences of realm population imbalance!


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